AD Rundle has an active PAC and all parents/guardians are invited to attend each meeting. Click here to view the ADR PAC Constitution and Bylaws.
PAC Executive (2023-2024)
Chair -
Vice-Chair -
Treasurer -
Secretary -
DPAC Rep -
2nd DPAC Rep -
The ADR Parent Advisory Council usually meets on the last Monday of each month at 6:30 pm in the school library.
Please feel free to contact the ADR PAC Executive at
Click HERE to join the A.D. Rundle PAC Facebook Group
- PAC Meetings are held the last Monday of each month at 6:30pm at ADR and online via Zoom
- Did you know that as a parent/guardian of an ADR student, you are already a member of our Parent Advisory Council? Come out to the meetings to have your voice heard!
Meeting Minutes: