Welsome to AD Rundle Middle School
AD Rundle is the located in the heart of Chilliwack, serving students in grades 6 through 8.
Our staff is committed to providing quality learning experiences for students in a safe, caring, and positive environment. We work hard to ensure all students are successful by offering a wide range of courses and activities.
In addition to our academic courses ( English, Social Studies, Math, Science), we offer Band, Leadership, Information/Technology, Cafeteria, Foods, Outdoor Education, Yearbook, Woodwork, and Metalwork.
For students who need extra support, we offer Learning Assistance, Aboriginal Support, Resource Program and Case Management. Our school also has Youth and Prevention Workers.
Our dedicated staff also provides numerous extra-curricular opportunities including all major sports, intramurals, and theatre productions.
If you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact us at 604-792-4257.